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Credit CPCEdit
Special Processing Rules > Corporate Cards > Credit CPCEdit

The CPC Edit transaction allows a merchant to add corporate data to an approved financial transaction. 

For online transactions, if the transaction request contains CPCReq set to Y, and the Issuer identifies the associated card as a Corporate Purchase Card, than the response message will contain a value in the CPCInd field indicating the specific card type of business, corporate, or purchasing card. 

If CPCData is included directly in the original transaction, the subsequent call to CreditCPCEdit is not required.

If the CPC data was not included in the original transaction, the client inspects the CPCInd for one of the valid values. If it contains any of the valid values, the client should then prompt for the purchase order number and tax. This new information must then be passed to Portico using CreditCPCEdit.

CreditAccountVerify will also return the CPCInd value, but this transaction is non-financial and therefore a CreditCPCEdit cannot be used as it does not apply.

CPC Indicator

If commercial card was specified in the request, the commercial card response indicator from the issuer will be returned in the CPCInd field.

Valid values for CPCInd are: