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Portico Developer Guide
Getting Started > Transaction Basics > Timeouts

Transactions are typically on Heartland systems for less than 600ms, but the POS system needs to allow sufficient time to receive a response, including considerations for network latency, processing delays, or other issues. Portico waits for other back-end systems to reply, which can vary by transaction type:

Transaction Type Portico Timeout
Credit/Debit 30 seconds
Gift 20 seconds
ACH 30 seconds
Batch Close 95 seconds
Report Transactions 505 seconds

Portico recommends that the POS timeout value be set at least a few seconds above the Portico timeout value.

ClientTxnId is strongly recommended for all transactions; it is required for timeout reversals.

For the FindTransactions report, actual response time depends on the amount of data and the date range of the search. To improve response time, adjust the criteria being used to obtain a smaller result set.

For Payment facilitator sub-merchants, Portico recommends a POS timeout of 150 seconds for all financial transactions.