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Portico Developer Guide
Special Processing Rules > Industries > eCommerce > 3D Secure and Wallet Payments > WalletData

The data block WalletData should be used for Wallet Transactions (ApplePayApp, ApplePayWeb, GooglePayApp, GooglePayWeb). Wallets can also be secured with 3DS processing meaning that it supports sending an authorization request containing both the wallet and 3D Secure information in it.

Subfield Description

Supported sources:

  • Apple Pay
  • ApplePayApp
  • ApplePayWeb
  • GooglePayApp
  • GooglePayWeb

Cryptogram received from wallet payment.

Supported formats:

  • DSRP
  • TokenBlocks
  • TAVV cryptograms

Must be encoded using base16 (Hex encoding) or base64 encoding

ECI Electronic Commerce Indicator associated with the Cryptogram (optional).
DigitalPaymentToken Payment payload used to send encrypted ApplePay or GooglePay data

Portico supports passing both encrypted and decrypted data for InApp Wallet payments. Payments with encrypted data are only available to merchants processing on the Exchange host.

A DigitalPaymentToken should be unique per transaction.

Wallet payments such as Applepay and Google Pay are not intended for recurring use and may decline on subsequent transactions.


Decrypted Data

CardData block should be populated with DPAN.

WalletData block should include:


Encrypted Data

For Exchange-hosted merchants, Portico has expanded support for Google Pay and Apple Pay to allow merchants to send encrypted card data. It is a requirement that merchants enroll with Google or Apple and have Heartland Developer Portal access to request and manage certificates.

The encrypted data is passed in a new field in Wallet Data: Digital Payment Token. When present, no data is passed in the CardData block.

WalletData block should include:


Note:  Merchant enrollment is required.  Please contact your Heartland representative.