Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
MerchName xs:string
Merchant name associated with this site id
BatchStatus xs:string
The batch status at the time of the report.
Key batch status values include:
- 'O' (open)
- 'C' (closed)
- 'E' (error)
OpenUtcDT xs:dateTime
Batch open date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
CloseUtcDT optional xs:dateTime
Batch close date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
BatchTxnAmt xs:decimal
Sum of transaction amounts in the batch
HostBatchTxnCnt optional xs:int
Total number of transactions in the host batch.
HostBatchTxnAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of transaction amounts in the host batch.
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Details 0..∞
Report details sorted by TxnUtcDT
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
TxnUtcDT xs:dateTime
Transaction response date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
TxnStatus xs:string
The current transaction status at the time of the search.
These can vary, but some of the key status values include:
- Active - 'A'
- Closed - 'C'
- Voided - 'V'
- Inactive - 'I'
- Reversed - 'R'
DebitCreditInd xs:string
Indicates if the transaction was a 'D' (debit) or 'C' (credit)
SaleReturnInd xs:string
Indicates if the transaction was a 'S' (sale) or 'R' (return)
CardSwiped xs:string
Indicates whether or not the payment method from the original transaction was swiped; 'Y' indicates that it was and 'N' that it was not.
MaskedCardNbr xs:string
This is the original transaction's card number, if any. It will contain the first six and last four digits with '*' filling in the middle. This value is safe for receipts and displays.
SettlementAmt amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
The amount the transaction would settle for if it were closed as part of this batch
Note: This can be different from the original requested amount or the authorized amount for many reasons including: transaction edits (tip), reversals, additional authorizations, etc.
TxnDT xs:dateTime
Transaction response date time in the time zone conversion requested
LodgingDataEdit optional LodgingDataEditType Complex Type
Lodging extra charge indicators; common group of elements that provide additional details specific to lodging transactions that may be required in certain situations as determined by the brands
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ClerkID optional Restriction of xs:string
ServiceName optional xs:string
This is the original request type (i.e. CreditSale)
InvoiceNbr optional Restriction of xs:string
Used to log the invoice number on transactions that are not eCommerce.
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AIType xs:string
Identifies the attachment type; see Simple Types, attachmentTypeType enumerations for specific values supported.
AIFormat optional xs:string
Identifies the format of the attachment data; see Simple Types, attachmentFormatType enumerations for specific values supported
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RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions.
Note: This is returned in the response and should never be used in the request.
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HasEMVTag optional xs:string
Indicates whether or not EMVTags were sent on this transaction; 'Y' indicates that it did and 'N' that it did not
Company optional xs:string
The company associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
CustomerFirstname optional xs:string
The customer first name associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
CustomerLastname optional xs:string
The customer last name associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
Status optional xs:string
BuyerEmailAddress optional xs:string
The Buyer Email Address associated with the AltPayment at the time the transaction was processed.
StatusDT optional xs:dateTime
Date and time the status was recorded.
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CurrConvOptOutFlag booleanType Simple Type
This setting indicates if the Customer has decided Opt Out of currency conversion and have the amount remain in the Merchants currency. If the customer does not opt out, the amount will be converted to currency associated with the card.
RateLookupTxnId optional guidType Simple Type
The Retrieval Reference Number (RRN) of the RateLookup or Incremental Authorization that provided the rate used for the calculations in this transaction, if it is different from the original Authorization.
MarkupFee optional Restriction of xs:decimal
The mark up percentage applied to the transaction, resulting in the commission fee.
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CurrencyCodeAlpha xs:string
Indicates the currency text associated with the CardHolderCurrCode.
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