<xs:simpleType name="TokenMappingType" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="UNIQUE">
<p xmlns="http://Hps.Exchange.PosGateway">This setting instructs the tokenization system to return a new, unique token value for the specified PAN. The returned token value is unique within the merchant’s token group. Some token formats result in a limited pool of unique and valid token values. For this reason, length and format-preserving token formats may not be supported for unique token mappings depending on the customer’s volume and token retention characteristics.</p>
<xs:enumeration value="CONSTANT">
<p xmlns="http://Hps.Exchange.PosGateway">This setting instructs the tokenization system to return a constant token value for the specified PAN. The returned token value is unique within the merchant’s token group, but the same token is always returned for a particular PAN.</p>