CardData CardDataType Complex Type
A common element used in several different transactions for supplying payment method information.
This includes a choice of typical payment representations like track data, manually entered data, and token information. It also includes options for specifying how the supplied data has been encrypted or to request a multi-use token be supplied in the response.
TrackData CardDataTypeTrackData Complex Type
Track data is the full magnetic stripe data.
Note: TrackData is unique in that it has an attribute "method" that is used to indicate how the associated data was obtained.
method optional CardDataTypeTrackDataMethod Simple Type
Indicates the method by which the track data was obtained; see the associated Type enumerations for specific values supported
Note: If not provided, the method is assumed to be a typical card swipe.
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This is typically manually entered card data, but can be used in any case where only the card number is used rather than the full track.
CVV2 optional Restriction of cvv2Type Simple Type
CVV Number ("Card Verification Value"); 3 digits on VISA, MasterCard, Discover and UnionPay and 4 on American Express.
CVV numbers are also known as CSC numbers ("Card Security Code"), as well as CVV2 numbers, which are the same as CVV numbers, except that they have been generated by a 2nd generation process.
Note: This field is not used for EBT transactions.
CVV2Status optional cvv2Status Simple Type
Indicates why the CVV2 value was not provided; see the associated Type enumerations for specific values supported.
Note: This field is not used for EBT transactions.
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This is used when the card number from a previous transaction has been tokenized. This supports both multi-use and single-use tokens.
TokenValue xs:string
Multi-use or single-use token; used as a reference to a payment method for this transaction
ExpMonth optional monthType Simple Type
Card expiration month
Note: If expiration month and year are provided, they will be used for processing the transaction rather than the stored values associated with the provided token. This is for the current transaction only and will not be stored for future use.
CVV2 optional Restriction of cvv2Type Simple Type
CVV Number ("Card Verification Value"); 3 digits on VISA, MasterCard, Discover and UnionPay and 4 on American Express.
CVV numbers are also known as CSC numbers ("Card Security Code"), as well as CVV2 numbers, which are the same as CVV numbers, except that they have been generated by a 2nd generation process.
Note: This field is not used for EBT transactions.
CVV2Status optional cvv2Status Simple Type
Indicates why the CVV2 value was not provided; see the associated Type enumerations for specific values supported.
Note: This field is not used for EBT transactions.
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DataFormat optional encryptedDataFormatType Simple Type
EncryptionDataFormat is an optional field to be used for encryption Version "05" to define the encryption encoding format
EncryptionDataFormat 1 Denotes the CardData sent to PORTICO is Binary
EncryptionDataFormat 2 Denotes the CardData sent to PORTICO is ASCII
Version encryptionVersionType Simple Type
The encryption version used on the supplied data.
For PAN encryption, use version "02" or "04" for Heartland E3 encryption. This requires the client to parse the E3 MSR output. The encrypted PAN is passed in the card data element as the manual entry card number. The KTB must be provided as part of the encryption data. If sending an encrypted CVV2, use version "04" which expects the PAN and CVV2 to be encrypted.
For PAN encryption, use version "05" for TDES DUKPT encryption with and without CVV encryption. This requires the client to parse the output. The encrypted PAN is passed in the card data element as the manual entry card number. The KSN must be provided as part of the encryption data.
For track encryption, use version "01", "02", or "04" for Heartland E3 encryption. Version "01" will not require parsing and it will not require additional fields in the encryption data, but the full E3 MSR output must be passed in the card data element as track data. Version "02" and "04" requires the client to parse the E3 MSR output. The KTB must be provided as part of the encryption data. In addition, the client must parse the data specific to either encrypted track 1 or track 2 and provide this in the card data element as track data as well as supply the track number as EncryptedTrackNumber.
For track encryption, use either version "03" for AES encryption with DUKPT, or "05" for TDES encryption with DUKPT. The "03" option supports the IdTECH card readers. The "05" option will work with any device that supports TDES with DUKPT data encryption per AINSI 9.24-1. Both options require the client to parse reader output. The KSN must be provided as part of the encryption data. In addition, the client must parse the data specific to either encrypted track 1 or track 2 and provide this in the card data element as track data as well as supply the track number as EncryptedTrackNumber.
For track encryption "05" is used for TDES encryption with DUKPT. The "05" option will work with any device that supports TDES with DUKPT data encryption per ANSI 9.24-1. Both options require the client to parse reader output. The KSN must be provided as part of the encryption data. In addition, the client must parse the data specific to either encrypted track 1 or track 2 and provide this in the card data element as track data, as well as supply the track number as EncryptedTrackNumber.
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TokenRequest optional booleanType Simple Type
This is used to request the gateway to return a multi-use token for the supplied card data. If a token is provided in the card data and this flag is set, it will be echoed in the response.
Mapping optional TokenMappingType Simple Type
This indicates the type of token to return; see the associated Type enumerations for specific values supported.
Note: If not supplied, "CONSTANT" is assumed. This means that the same token will be returned for the same card data.
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ConsumerId optional Restriction of xs:string
Unique token requestor specific consumer identifier (e.g. wallet account ID).
NTRSDeviceType optional Restriction of xs:string
The type of the user's browser or mobile device. It has pre-defined values.
NTRSDevicePlatform optional Restriction of xs:string
The operating system of the user's browser or mobile device
OsVersion optional Restriction of xs:string
The version of the operating system of the user's browser or mobile device.
NTRSDeviceLanguage optional Restriction of xs:string
The language that the application communicates with the cardholder.
NTRSDeviceLocale Restriction of xs:string
The language that the application communicates with the cardholder. It is based on BCP 47 standard. The language must be lowercase and the country must be uppercase. The language and country should be separated using a hyphen (-)
NTRSDeviceName optional Restriction of xs:string
The name of the target provisioned device
NTRSDeviceLocation optional Restriction of xs:string
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the user's browser or mobile device location (no decimals provided)
NTRSDeviceLocationExtended optional Restriction of xs:string
The latitude and longitude coordinates of the target device location including up to two decimal places
NTRSDevicePhoneNumber optional Restriction of xs:string
The telephone number or the last few digits of the telephone number
NTRSDeviceIp optional Restriction of xs:string
The IP address of the user's browser or mobile device
Brand optional Restriction of xs:string
The brand of the user's browser or mobile device
Manufacturer optional Restriction of xs:string
The version of the operating system of the user's browser or mobile device
Model optional Restriction of xs:string
The model of the user's browser or mobile device
NetworkType optional Restriction of xs:string
The type of network
ImeiNumber optional Restriction of xs:string
The IMEI number of the device
NTRSDeviceTimeZone optional Restriction of xs:string
The time zone of the user's browser or mobile device
WalletAccountEmail Restriction of xs:string
The email address of the client that is linked to his wallet account login
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WalletAccountLength optional Restriction of xs:long
The time in days that the wallet account has been in use.
WalletTransactions optional Restriction of xs:long
The number of transactions performed with the wallet in the last 12 months.
WalletNameMatchesCardholderName optional Restriction of xs:boolean
It indicates if the name of the wallet account holder and the name of the cardholder match or not..
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CardUsageLength optional Restriction of xs:long
The time in days that the card has been in use.
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NTRSDeviceScore optional Restriction of xs:long
The score of the trustworthiness of the device.
NTRSDeviceUseLength optional Restriction of xs:long
The time in days that the device has been in use.
TokensOnDevice optional Restriction of xs:long
The number of tokens on the physical device.
NTRSDeviceCountry optional Restriction of xs:string
The country in which the device is used.
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UserAccountScore optional Restriction of xs:long
The score of the trustworthiness of the device user’s account.
UserAccountUsageLength optional Restriction of xs:long
The time in days that the user account has been in use.
UserTokens optional Restriction of xs:long
The number of the tokens owned by the user.
UserWallets optional Restriction of xs:long
The number of the wallets owned by the user.
UserCountry optional Restriction of xs:string
It indicates the country of the user account.
NewlyAdded optional Restriction of xs:boolean
True means that the user added the card on file during the current provisioning attempt.
DaysOnFile optional Restriction of xs:long
The time in days that the card has been on file.
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CardHolderAddr optional Restriction of xs:string
Billing address of the cardholder.
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