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PosGateway Schema
NTRSCreateToken Element
PosGateway Schema > PosResponse Element > Ver1.0 Element > Transaction Element : NTRSCreateToken Element
Namespace http://Hps.Exchange.PosGateway
NTRSCreateTokenRspStatusType Complex Type
NTRSCardData Element CardMetadata Element PaymentInstrument Element AccountReference Element CardBrandTxnId Element NTRSTokenStatus Element NTRSExpirationDate Element NTRSToken Element NTRSTokenId Element All NTRSCreateToken Element
NTRSTokenId xs:string

The ID of the token.

NTRSToken Restriction of xs:string

The token itself.

NTRSExpirationDate Restriction of xs:int

The expiry date of the real PAN. The format is 'YYMM'.

NTRSTokenStatus Restriction of xs:string

The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.

CardBrandTxnId Restriction of xs:long

The TRID assigned by the card brand.

AccountReference Restriction of xs:string

Globally unique reference of a cardholder’s PAN.

PanSuffix Restriction of xs:int

The last four digits of the real PAN.

CardScheme Restriction of xs:string

The brand of the card.

CardAlias Restriction of xs:string

The name of the card.

BankIdentificationNumber Restriction of xs:long

The first six digits of the real PAN.

TermsAndConditionsId Restriction of xs:string

Unique identifier (GUID format) of the terms and conditions.

TermsAndConditionsUrl Restriction of xs:string

The website URL which is used to describe the terms and conditions.

CardArtUrl Restriction of xs:string

Website URL to see the card art.

CardBackgroundColor Restriction of xs:string

The background color of the card.

CardForegroundColor Restriction of xs:string

The foreground color of the card.

LabelColor Restriction of xs:string

The detailed description of the card product to be displayed inside the mobile wallet.

LongDescription Restriction of xs:string

The detailed description of the card product to be displayed inside the mobile wallet.

ShortDescription Restriction of xs:string

The short description of the card product to be used for notification on the mobile device.

NTRSIssuerName Restriction of xs:string

The name of the card issuer.

IssuerAppOsType Restriction of xs:string

The operating system type of the issuing bank’s mobile application.

IssuerAppName Restriction of xs:string

The name of the issuing bank’s mobile application for display purpose.

IssuerAppAddress Restriction of xs:string

The package name of the issuing bank’s mobile application.


Array of the card issuer.

CardAssetsData 0..∞ CardAssetsDataDataType Complex Type

The name of the card issuer.

PanReferenceId Restriction of xs:string

The unique reference ID (GUID format) of the real PAN.

CardSuffix Restriction of xs:int

The last four digits of the real PAN.

PanExpDate Restriction of xs:int

The expiry date of the real PAN. The format is 'YYMM'.

CardholderEmbossedName Restriction of xs:string

The embossed name on the physical card.

CardCountryCode Restriction of xs:string

A 2 character country code.

CardName Restriction of xs:string

The name of the card.

NTRSCardType Restriction of xs:string

The type of the card product. Allowed values: CREDIT, DEBIT, PREPAID, UNKNOWN

CardBrand Restriction of xs:string

The brand of the card.

CardLongDescription Restriction of xs:string

The long description of the card.

CardShortDescription Restriction of xs:string

The short description of the card.

CoBranded Restriction of xs:boolean

It indicates if the card is a co-branded card.

CoBrandName Restriction of xs:string

The card co-brand name.

CardTypeIndicator Restriction of xs:string

Indication if the token requestor supports debit cards, credit cards or both.

ExpDataPrinted Restriction of xs:boolean

It indicates if the expiration date is printed on the card or not.

Cvv2Printed Restriction of xs:boolean

It indicates if the cvv2 is printed on the card or not.

<xs:element name="NTRSCreateToken" type="NTRSCreateTokenRspStatusType" xmlns:xs="" />
See Also
Transaction ElementVer1.0 ElementPosResponse ElementPosGateway Schema