Contains tracking information, echoed fields, and gateway response indicators.
The specific fields returned can vary. Clients should code to be able to potentially receive any optional elements at any time. New elements being added should not break client code.
Note: This should be inspected by the client to determine if the gateway was able to complete the processing of the associated request.
Note: If gateway successfully processed the request, the client will still need to check the transaction response details, if any, to determine the final result based on any issuer decisions.
GatewayRspCode gatewayRspCodeType Simple Type
Gateway response code that indicates what occurred on the gateway while processing the request.
Note: This does not indicate approval or decline. Clients must see if additional information is provided in the transaction portion of the message from the issuer or other system.
GatewayRspMsg optional gatewayRspMsgType Simple Type
Gateway response message that may provide additional information to the client or user.
Note: In some cases the information may not assist the client or user directly, but it can be provided to a support representative to assist in problem resolution.
RspDT optional xs:dateTime
Transaction response date and time in the time zone stored for the associated site.
TokenRspCode optional xs:int
Response code specific to the tokenization process; the processing of the request will not be impacted by tokenization failures in most cases.
TokenRspMsg optional xs:string
Response message specific to the tokenization process that may provide additional information to the client or user
Note: In some cases the information may not assist the client or user directly, but it can be provided to a support representative to assist in problem resolution.
TokenValue optional xs:string
The generated (or echoed) multi-use token; this can be used by the client on subsequent calls in the card data element.
| | |
OriginalRspDT xs:dateTime
Contains the original transaction response date and time in the time zone stored for the associated site.
OriginalCardNbrLast4 xs:string
Contains the original last four digits of the account number used on the original transaction.
| | |
BatchId optional batchIdType Simple Type
If the transaction was added to a batch, this is the associated batch id.
Note: This field is only returned if the device is configured for this option during the boarding process.
BatchSeqNbr optional xs:int
If the transaction was added to a batch, this is the batch's sequence number.
Note: This field is only returned if the device is configured for this option during the boarding process.
CustomHash optional xs:string
Fingerprint value for customer-specific usage.
MerchCurrencyCode optional xs:string
Indicates the 3-digit currency code of the merchant.
MerchCurrencyText optional xs:string
Indicates the 3-digit currency acronym of the merchant
RetryInd optional booleanType Simple Type
Indicates that this transaction is a retry of the previous, in case if a timeout error occurred. GTID and Source fields are required for RetryInd.
The time alloted for retries is 90 minutes.
Note: It is internal only
| | |
Transaction optional
Transaction result details, issuer results codes and messages, authorization codes, balances, etc.
The specific fields returned can vary. Clients should code to be able to potentially receive any optional elements at any time. New elements being added should not break client code.
Note: Clients will need to inspect information returned in this portion to determine the final result of the requested transaction (i.e., approvals and declines).
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Session optional
Session Information from processor
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Shipping optional
Shipping Information for the Session
Payment optional
Payment Information for the Session
LineItem optional
Line Item purchase information for the session
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response message returned by the processor
Status optional xs:string
Status from processors processing of the transaction
StatusMessage optional xs:string
Status message from processors processing of the transaction
Processor optional
Additional processor response information
| | |
CredentialToken xs:string
A credential token that can be used to identify a specific user session on subsequent requests
| | |
BatchId xs:int
The gateway-generated batch id of the closed batch
TxnCnt xs:int
The number of transactions closed (sent for settlement)
HostTotalCnt optional xs:int
Total number of transactions in the host batch.
HostTotalAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of transaction amounts in the host batch.
| |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the check processor; additional error messages may be separated by a hyphen (-)
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the check processor
| |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the check processor; additional error messages may be separated by a hyphen (-)
| |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code indicating the overall success of the transaction; '0' indicates success while non-zero indicates a failure.
RspMessage optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the check processor; additional error messages may be separated by a hyphen (-)
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the check processor
| |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
Transactions 0..∞ TransactionDataType Complex Type
The result set of the search
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
| |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
SaleCnt optional xs:int
Number of sale transactions in the reporting period
SaleAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of sale transaction amounts in the reporting period
ActivateCnt optional xs:int
Number of activate transactions in the reporting period
ActivateAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of activate transaction amounts in the reporting period
AddValueCnt optional xs:int
Number of add value transactions in the reporting period
AddValueAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of add value transaction amounts in the reporting period
VoidCnt optional xs:int
Number of void transactions in the reporting period
VoidAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of void transaction amounts in the reporting period
DeactivateCnt optional xs:int
Number of deactivate transactions in the reporting period
DeactivateAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of deactivate transaction amounts in the reporting period
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
RefundAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account before it was deactivated; this should be refunded
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Point balance on the account before it was deactivated; the client must determine how to handle this
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
SaleCnt optional xs:int
Number of sale transactions in the reporting period
SaleAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of sale transaction amounts in the reporting period
ActivateCnt optional xs:int
Number of activate transactions in the reporting period
ActivateAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of activate transaction amounts in the reporting period
AddValueCnt optional xs:int
Number of add value transactions in the reporting period
AddValueAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of add value transaction amounts in the reporting period
VoidCnt optional xs:int
Number of void transactions in the reporting period
VoidAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of void transaction amounts in the reporting period
DeactivateCnt optional xs:int
Number of deactivate transactions in the reporting period
DeactivateAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of deactivate transaction amounts in the reporting period
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the new account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the new account after the transaction
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
SplitTenderCardAmt optional xs:decimal
If the stored account has insufficient funds to complete the sale, this field will contain the portion of the sale that was covered by the remaining funds in the account.
Note: In this case, the BalanceAmt should always be $0 after the sale since the balance was depleted trying to complete the sale.
SplitTenderBalanceDueAmt optional xs:decimal
If the stored account has insufficient funds to complete the sale, this field will contain the portion of the sale that was not covered. This is the amount that is still due from the customer. The client must collect this amount from the customer using an additional payment method.
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
SplitTenderCardAmt optional xs:decimal
If the stored account has insufficient funds to complete the sale, this field will contain the portion of the sale that was covered by the remaining funds in the account.
Note: In this case, the BalanceAmt should always be $0 after the sale since the balance was depleted trying to complete the sale.
SplitTenderBalanceDueAmt optional xs:decimal
If the stored account has insufficient funds to complete the sale, this field will contain the portion of the sale that was not covered. This is the amount that is still due from the customer. The client must collect this amount from the customer using an additional payment method.
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Rewards optional xs:string
Identifies rewards added to the account as a result of a transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
RspCode xs:int
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
BalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Balance on the account after the transaction
PointsBalanceAmt optional xs:decimal
Points balance on the account after the transaction
Notes optional xs:string
Contains rewards messages to be displayed by the client to inform an account holder about special rewards or promotions available
| | |
| |
| |
| |
RspCode xs:string
Response code returned by the Parameter Data Download system
RspText optional xs:string
Response text associated with RspCode
PDLBlockRsp optional xs:string
Pass-through PDL block response; full definition of this field must be obtained from the Parameter Data Download system
| |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details sorted by DeviceId, TxnUtcDT
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details sorted by TxnUtcDT
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details, sorted by DeviceId, OpenUtcDT
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details, sorted by CardType
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details, sorted by DeviceId, TxnUtcDT
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
Details 0..∞
Report details, in the order found
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
| | |
SiteId xs:int
Site identifier used to process the request.
MerchName xs:string
Merchant name associated with this site id
DeviceId xs:int
Device identifier used to process the request.
ServiceName xs:string
This is the original request type (i.e. CreditSale)
ReqUtcDT xs:dateTime
Transaction request date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
ReqDT xs:dateTime
Transaction request date time in the time zone conversion requested
RspUtcDT xs:dateTime
Transaction response date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
RspDT xs:dateTime
Transaction response date time in the time zone conversion requested
MerchNbr xs:string
The merchant number (MID) associated with this site id
TermOrdinal xs:int
Terminal ordinal number associated with this device id
MerchAddr1 xs:string
Merchant address 1 associated with this site id
MerchAddr2 xs:string
Merchant address 2 associated with this site id
MerchCity xs:string
Merchant city associated with this site id
MerchState xs:string
Merchant state associated with this site id
MerchZip xs:string
Merchant zip associated with this site id
MerchPhone xs:string
Merchant phone number associated with this site id
MerchAddr3 optional xs:string
Merchant address 3 associated with this site id
CrossMidTidInd optional xs:string
Indicates whether the transaction was processed as a Cross MID or Cross TID transaction.
SDKNameVersion optional
Name and Version of the SDK used for integration, where applicable.
CurrencyCodeAlpha xs:string
Indicates the currency text associated with the CardHolderCurrCode.
IPData optional IPDataBlockType Complex Type
Information regarding Installment Plans associated with the transaction. Currently only returned for Visa Installment Service (VIS).
EUSingleTap optional booleanType Simple Type
This field provides a way for a European merchant to indicate whether a transaction is a Single Tap contactless transaction, or whether the request contains an intentionally duplicated (replayed) ATC value. Applies to MC transactions only. Valid values: Y - SingleTap N - ReplayedATC
| |
| |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
FileReferenceNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
PromotionCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
FileReferenceNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
| | |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
Offset optional xs:int
Records to be returned limit
Limit optional xs:int
Records to be returned limit
| |
| |
FieldKey optional xs:string
Key generated and provided to the PIN pad. This key is used to decrypt the balance information.
MacKey optional xs:string
Key generated and provided to the PIN pad. Key is used to generate the MAC value.
MessageAuthenticationCode optional xs:string
Used to transmit the Message Authentication Code for Canadian debit transactions.
PinKey optional xs:string
Key used to encrypt PIN. Maintained in PIN Pad.
| |
RspCode xs:string
Response (result) code returned by the issuer
RspText optional xs:string
Response (result) text returned by the issuer
AuthCode optional xs:string
If authorized, authorization code returned by the issuer
AVSRsltCode optional xs:string
If address verification requested, address verification result code returned by the issuer
CVVRsltCode optional xs:string
If card verification was provided on the request, card verification result code returned by the issuer
CPCInd optional xs:string
If commercial card was specified in the request, commercial card response indicator returned by the issuer.
Valid values include:
- B (Business Card)
- R (Corporate Card)
- S (Purchasing Card)
- L (B2B - Settlement amount may not exceed Authorized amount)
Note: If this is returned with one of these values, the client should obtain additional information from the card holder and provide it to the gateway via a CreditCPCEdit before this transaction is closed.
RefNbr optional xs:string
Reference number returned by the processor or issuer
AuthAmt optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Actual amount authorized; could differ from requested for partial authorizations
Note: If not returned, the authorized amount is the requested amount.
CardType optional xs:string
The card type processed based on configured BIN ranges
AVSRsltText optional xs:string
Address verification result description returned by the issuer
CVVRsltText optional xs:string
Card verification result description returned by the issuer
TxnDescriptor optional xs:string
The dynamic portion of this was provided in the header of the request; this is the final string sent to the issuer based on the provided value and the values configured during boarding
RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions. The only potential value on an approval is "01"; any of the other values may be returned on a decline.
Valid values include:
- "01" (New account information available)
- "02" (Cannot approve at this time, try again later)
- "03" (Do not try again)
- "04" (Declined due to lack of cryptography or partial shipment indicator)
- "21" (Recurring Payment Cancellation Service)
- "24" (Retry after 1 hour)
- "25" (Retry after 24 hour)
- "26" (Retry after 2 days)
- "27" (Retry after 4 days)
- "28" (Retry after 6 days)
- "29" (Retry after 8 days)
- "30" (Retry after 10 days)
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code. This is returned by Visa when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token. This may be returned by issuer when using SecureECommerce.
HostRspDT optional xs:dateTime
Processing Host response date and time.
Note:For Canadian merchants, the HostRspDT contains the timestamp to be printed on the customer receipt.
CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
This is the Network Transaction Identifier returned by the Card Brand.
IpTerms optional IPTermsRspDataType Complex Type
Information on the Installment Plan chosen by the customer. Usage varies by region and the Installments service provider:
Merchants located in the Asia Pacific region must provide the NbrInstallments and Program. SIPOptions is optional.
Merchants located in Mexico must provide the NbrInstallemnts, InstallmentPlan, and GracePeriod only.
Merchants located in Canada using Visa Installment Service (VIS) must provide the Program and VISOptions.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
AccountReference optional xs:string
'Payment Account Reference' (PAR) data returned by issuer. PAR is 29-character alphanumeric reference number associated with each unique PAN and used by merchants to track transactions associated with customers PAN. Currently, PAR is only supported by Card Brand American Express.
Note: Account Reference is supported only for HOST Exchange.
BnplId optional xs:string
Id received from the BNPL Provider
RedirectUrl optional xs:string
Redirect url for the provider
AgreementId optional xs:string
Value returned by Visa in authorization responses for merchants participating in the Commercial Choice Program.
| | |
NTRSExpirationDate Restriction of xs:int
The expiry date of the real PAN. The format is 'YYMM'.
NTRSTokenStatus Restriction of xs:string
The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.
CardBrandTxnId Restriction of xs:long
The TRID assigned by the card brand.
AccountReference Restriction of xs:string
Globally unique reference of a cardholder’s PAN.
| |
NTRSCryptogram Restriction of xs:string
The cryptogram for the transaction. base64 characters.
NTRSCryptogramType Restriction of xs:string
The type of the cryptogram. Allowed values: TAVV, UCAF, DCSC, CRYPTOGRAM_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE.
NTRSECI Restriction of xs:string
EC indicator for liability shift (only for Visa).
CardBrandTxnId Restriction of xs:long
The TRID assigned by the card brand.
| | |
NTRSTokenId xs:string
The ID of the token that status is being requested for.
NTRSTokenStatus Restriction of xs:string
The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.
NTRSTokenLastModified Restriction of xs:dateTime
The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.
| | |
NTRSTokenId xs:string
The ID of the token that status is being requested for.
NTRSTokenStatus Restriction of xs:string
The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.
NTRSTokenLastModified Restriction of xs:dateTime
The current state of the token. Allowed values: INACTIVE, ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, DELETED.
| | |
NTRSTokenId xs:string
The ID of the token that status is being requested for.
CardBrandTxnId Restriction of xs:long
The TRID assigned by the card brand.
AccountReference Restriction of xs:string
Globally unique reference of a cardholder’s PAN.
| | | | |