Report header that can include general information related to the details, criteria used for the report, totals, etc.
MerchName xs:string
Merchant name associated with this site id
BatchStatus xs:string
The batch status at the time of the report.
Key batch status values include:
- 'O' (open)
- 'C' (closed)
- 'E' (error)
OpenUtcDT xs:dateTime
Batch open date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
CloseUtcDT optional xs:dateTime
Batch close date time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)
CreditCnt xs:int
Number of credit transactions in the batch
CreditAmt xs:decimal
Sum of credit transaction amounts in the batch
DebitCnt xs:int
Number of debit transactions in the batch
DebitAmt xs:decimal
Sum of debit transaction amounts in the batch
SaleCnt xs:int
Number of sale transactions in the batch
SaleAmt xs:decimal
Sum of sale transaction amounts in the batch
ReturnCnt xs:int
Number of return transactions in the batch
ReturnAmt xs:decimal
Sum of return transaction amounts in the batch
TotalCnt xs:int
Total number of transactions in the batch
TotalHCPCnt xs:int
Total number of Home Currency Pay transactions in the batch
HostTotalCnt optional xs:int
Total number of transactions in the host batch.
HostTotalAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of transaction amounts in the host batch.
HostCreditSaleCnt optional xs:int
Number of credit sale transactions in the host batch.
HostCreditSaleAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of credit sale transaction amounts in the host batch.
HostCreditReturnAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of credit return transaction amounts in the host batch.
HostDebitSaleCnt optional xs:int
Number of debit sale transactions in the host batch.
HostDebitSaleAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of debit sale transaction amounts in the host batch.
HostDebitReturnAmt optional xs:decimal
Sum of debit return transaction amounts in the host batch.
VisaDirectCnt xs:int
Number of Visa Direct transactions processed
VisaDirectAmt xs:decimal
Sum of Visa Direct transaction processed
MCSendCnt xs:int
Number of Mastercard Send transactions processed
MCSendAmt xs:decimal
Sum of Mastercard Send transaction processed
| | |
Details 0..∞
Report details, sorted by CardType
Note: If the data was defined in the request or response, a description has not been added here; only fields that are being introduced in this response have additional detail added. Typically, these will be fields that drive business logic that can be assumed at the time of the transaction or they are calculated at the time of the report.
CreditCnt xs:int
Number of credit transactions in the batch
CreditAmt xs:decimal
Sum of credit transaction amounts in the batch
DebitCnt xs:int
Number of debit transactions in the batch
DebitAmt xs:decimal
Sum of debit transaction amounts in the batch
SaleCnt xs:int
Number of sale transactions in the batch
SaleAmt xs:decimal
Sum of sale transaction amounts in the batch
ReturnCnt xs:int
Number of return transactions in the batch
ReturnAmt xs:decimal
Sum of return transaction amounts in the batch
TotalCnt xs:int
Total number of transactions in the batch
TotalHCPCnt xs:int
Total number of Home Currency Pay transactions in the batch
VisaDirectCnt xs:int
Number of Visa Direct transactions processed
VisaDirectAmt xs:decimal
Sum of Visa Direct transaction processed
MCSendCnt xs:int
Number of Mastercard Send transactions processed
MCSendAmt xs:decimal
Sum of Mastercard Send transaction processed
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