TxnStatus xs:string
The current transaction status at the time of the search.
These can vary, but some of the key status values include:
- Active - 'A'
- Closed - 'C'
- Voided - 'V'
- Inactive - 'I'
- Reversed - 'R'
MaskedCardNbr xs:string
This is the original transaction's card number, if any. It will contain the first six and last four digits with '*' filling in the middle. This value is safe for receipts and displays.
CardSwiped xs:string
Indicates whether or not the payment method from the original transaction was swiped; 'Y' indicates that it was and 'N' that it was not
DebitCreditInd xs:string
Indicates if the transaction was a 'D (debit) or 'C' (credit)
SaleReturnInd xs:string
Indicates if the transaction was a 'S' (sale) or 'R' (return)
ReqACI xs:string
Requested authorization characteristics indicator
RspACI xs:string
Response authorization characteristics indicator
AcctDataSrc xs:string
Account data source code. This is a derived value that represents the source of the account data received. For example, proximity vs. swiped vs. manual, et al.
IssTxnId xs:string
Issuer transaction identifier
RefNbr xs:string
Retrieval reference number
TxnSeqNbr xs:int
Transaction sequence number incremented with each authorization requested by a device
AmountIndicator xs:string
Valid values include:
- 'E' indicates that the transaction amount is an estimated amount
- 'F' indicates the transaction amount is the final amount to be charged to the cardholder
BuyerRecipientName optional Restriction of xs:string
Required on transactions with an amount over 150.
CustomerRefId Restriction of xs:string
Canadian customer reference Id.
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SettlementAmt amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
The amount the transaction would settle for if it were closed as part of a batch
Note: This does not mean that it has or will close for this amount. The client controls this by adding it to the batch and closing the batch.
Note: This can be different from the original requested amount or the authorized amount for many reasons including: transaction edits (tip), reversals, additional authorizations, etc.
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InvoiceNbr optional Restriction of xs:string
Used to log the invoice number on transactions that are not eCommerce.
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AttachmentType xs:string
Identifies the attachment types to be returned; see the attachmentTypeType enumerations for specific values supported.
AttachmentFormat xs:string
Identifies the format of the attachment data; see the attachmentFormatType enumerations for specific values supported.
Height optional xs:int
For image formats, this is the height calculated internally based on the provided data.
Width optional xs:int
For image formats, this is the width calculated internally based on the provided data.
AttachmentName optional Restriction of xs:string
A merchant-assigned name for the associated attachment
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Duration optional xs:int
Duration of stay in days
The stay Duration range is from 1 to 99.
ExtraChargeAmtInfo optional amtTypeGlobal Simple Type
Total extra charge amount information; this defines the portion of the total amount provided as part of this request that was specifically for lodging extra charges. This is informational only and will not alter the amount processed as part of the transaction.
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RoutingNumber optional xs:string
Check routing number; manually entered or parsed from MICR data.
AccountNumber optional Restriction of xs:string
Check account number; manually entered or parsed from MICR data.
CheckNumber optional xs:string
The physical check number; manually entered or parsed from MICR data.
MICRData optional Restriction of xs:string
Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) data obtained from a check reader.
AccountType optional accountTypeType Simple Type
Indicates the type of account provided; see the associated Type enumerations for specific values supported.
Note: If processing with Colonnade, AccountType must be specified.
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CheckName optional xs:string
Business name on check.
Note: If processing with Colonnade, this field is required.
Note: This sets the COMPANY_NAME sent to GETI.
EmailAddress optional xs:string
Consumer email address
Note: This was for Transmodus only and is no longer used.
DLState optional xs:string
Consumer driver's license state
Note: This field may be required by GETI based on the terminal configuration.
DLNumber optional Restriction of xs:string
Consumer driver's license number
Note: This field may be required by GETI based on the terminal configuration.
CourtesyCard optional Restriction of xs:string
Consumer courtesy card number
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Type optional xs:string
Indicates type of response information:
- Error
- Decline
- Information
- Warning
- Approve
- Unknown
Code optional xs:string
Check processor response code(s); overall single response code or detail response codes separated by a hyphen (-)
Message optional xs:string
Message description of the provided code
FieldNumber optional xs:string
Field number that is in error
FieldName optional xs:string
Field name that is in error
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AIType xs:string
Identifies the attachment type; see Simple Types, attachmentTypeType enumerations for specific values supported.
AIFormat optional xs:string
Identifies the format of the attachment data; see Simple Types, attachmentFormatType enumerations for specific values supported
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GiftMaskedAlias optional Restriction of xs:string
The alias used masked with '*' to only show part of the value
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RecurringDataCode optional xs:string
MasterCard value that may be returned on recurring transactions.
Note: This is returned in the response and should never be used in the request.
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AllowDup optional Restriction of xs:string
ProcessorRefNum optional Restriction of xs:string
Reference number returned by processor
ReversalIndicator optional Restriction of xs:string
Indicates that this transaction was reversed
TokenRequested optional Restriction of xs:string
Indicates that a request for a token was made on this transaction
TokenGenerated optional Restriction of xs:string
Indicates that a Token was generated as a result of this transaction
EMVTagData optional xs:string
EMV tag data in TLV format.
Note: This field has been obsoleted.See the TagData field for the alternative.
EMVIssuerResp optional xs:string
EMV tag data returned by the issuer in TLV format
PaymentData optional xs:string
SecureECommerce Payment Data.
ECommerceIndicator optional xs:string
Electronic Commerce Indicator when using SecureECommerce.
CAVVResultCode optional xs:string
The Visa Cardholder Authentication Verfication Value results code returned by the Issuer when using SecureECommerce.
TokenPANLast4 optional xs:string
Last 4 digits of PAN associated with Token returned by the Issuer when using SecureECommerce.
Company optional xs:string
The company associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
CustomerFirstname optional xs:string
The customer first name associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
CustomerLastname optional xs:string
The customer last name associated with the recurring payment at the time the transaction was processed. This only appears for recurring payment transactions.
DebtRepaymentIndicator optional debtRepaymentType Simple Type
Allows for flagging this transaction as being against a debt obligation. Only use this field with Heartland's explicit direction. This flag is used to identify transactions that might qualify for VISA's Debt Repayment Program special interchange rates.
Status optional xs:string
BuyerEmailAddress optional xs:string
The Buyer Email Address associated with the AltPayment at the time the transaction was processed.
StatusDT optional xs:dateTime
Date and time the status was recorded.
Code optional xs:string
Code from processor response
Message optional xs:string
Message from processor response
Type optional xs:string
Type of processor response
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TagValues optional Extension of xs:string
This field holds the tag data values.
source required Restriction of xs:string
This field specifies the source of the tag data value. It can be either chip or msd.
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CategoryInd optional CategoryIndType Simple Type
Mastercard CIT/MIT indicator subcategory
Valid values include:
- 01 - Unscheduled Credential-on-file
- 02 - Standing Order (variable amount and fixed frequency)
- 03 - Subscription (fixed amount and frequency)
- 06 - Related/Delayed Charge
- 07 - No Show Charge
- 08 - Resubmission
Note: Future use for GSAP-AP merchants
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CardBrandTxnId optional xs:string
The CardBrandTxnId for this transaction.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnId optional xs:string
Unique transaction identifier assigned by the payment facilitator. This identifier is for use only by the payment facilitator, and should not be used as a reference in future client requests to the Portico Gateway.
PaymentFacilitatorTxnNbr optional xs:string
Unique account identifier assigned by the payment facilitator for the sub-merchant. This is used as the sub-merchant account reference if contacting the payment facilitator for support.
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AuthenticationValue optional Extension of authenticationValueType Simple Type
This value is the reference generated by the issuer to recognize that the authentication has taken place. Supported formats are CAVV, AEVV, UCAF. Must be encoded using base16 (Hex encoding) or base64 encoding.
ECI eciType Simple Type
Electronic Commerce Indicator shows the value of the result of the authentication.
Note: This value represents UCI for MasterCard.
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Cryptogram optional Extension of cryptogramType Simple Type
Cryptogram received from wallet payment. Supported formats are DSRP, TokenBlocks and TAVV cryptograms. Must be encoded using base16 (Hex encoding) or base64 encoding.
ECI optional eciType Simple Type
Electronic Commerce Indicator associated with the Cryptogram. This is an optional field.
DigitalPaymentToken optional xs:string
Payment payload used to send encrypted apple or google pay data.
NetworkToken optional cryptogramTypeType Simple Type
For use with NetworkToken only. If type is not provided, and a cryptogram is sent, Portico will use the default cryptogram type for the card brand.
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ProcessedTxnMcc optional mccType Simple Type
The merchant category code (MCC) used in the authorization request; if not provided the default MCC configured for the Device is assumed.
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